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get a new VI(Vodaphone) postpaid SIM delivered in 3 simple steps or New postpaid connection, with Diwali benefits and offers.


Network that moves with you. Higher data speed, good network coverage and superior browsing experience, the search ends here!


VI offerring postpaid connection with some benefits, all process will be online.

You can get the Airtel postpaid connection in three Easy steps:

1. Select a Plan

2. Choose mobile no

3. Sim delivery comfirm

How to register or take postpaid in VI?

Postpaid registration Link below:

Airtel postpaid benefits:-
1. Higher data speed,
2. good network coverage and
3. superior browsing experience, the search ends here!
4. Free Sim delivery
5. No cost for postpaid conversion
6. Disney + Hotstar mobile
7. Amazon prime 
8. Live tv and movie



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